Who we are
It all started in 2015 with a small group of Devotees who are ardent devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba, who came together to pray Sai Baba, propagate his teachings, learnings out of his life and create a platform for other Sai Devotees who are in the community and preach his noble values in Germany and other European countries.
In Sai Satcharthira chapter no. 3 it is clearly stated that , it is absolutely true he sends his devotees to different places to spread peace and happiness, but don’t forget he is always there before you and make necessary arrangements to accomplish his work.
The vision of this group is to spread the message of love, kindness, unity and make a meaningful contribution to the welfare of the mankind without any distinction of religion, region, race, sector ,caste and personal belief.
Being away from your home country, people clearly miss the positive or spiritual vibes you get while visiting Sai Baba Temple on Thursdays or on special festivals like Rama Navami, Guru Poornima, Dusherra as these are the one of the most festivals which were celebrated in India when Baba is used to stay in Shirdi and even now in grand manner are being celebrated. We are going to create that platform through monthly Sai Sandhya’s while coming together and exchanging those enormous moments.
Besides to spreading Shridi Sai Baba teachings, another objective of the group is to undertake charity tasks. It is very certain that what you learned from the society is to give back to them in one or the other form. We do help people who are indeed of resources (for e.g. money, clothes, food). This is one of the main teaching of Baba For more details you can see the Gallery.
In January 2019 we celebrated our while performing monthly Sai Sandhya and celebrating the main festivals (as mentioned above) every year. It is phenomenal to see that the Devotees are very enthusiastic in performing activities and taking responsibilities.
God is ONE

"Ananta Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai"
Who is Sai Baba?
Sai Baba is also called as . Shri Sai baba of Shirdi lived between 1838 and 1918, whose real name, birthplace and date of birth are not known. An Indian spiritual guru and a fakir that transcended the barriers of religions, Saibaba of Shirdi was regarded with great reverence by both Hindu and Muslim followers. He lived in a mosque and after death his body was cremated in a temple .
His philosophy ingrained meaning faith and ‚ meaning patience. According to him Shraddha and Saburi were the supreme attributes to reach the state of godliness.
It is believed that at a tender age of 16 yrs Shri Saibaba arrived at the village of Shirdi in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, India and remained their till his death. He found shelter in Khandoba temple, where a villager Mahalsapathi in the temple addressed him as Sai or Saint.
Saibaba of Shirdi lived an extremely simple and austere life, sleeping on the floor of temple and later taking a ruined mosque as his shelter. With his arrival to Shirdi, in no time he began exhibiting a hypnotic attraction among people as they began flocking to him. He is attributed many miracles doing things that were beyond a mortal’s power. He never discouraged these attributes and soon his fame spread like wild fire. Many pilgrims came seeking his blessings. Such was his hypnotism that even the mundane of his activities attracted large crowds.
Popular among both Hindus and Muslims, Shri Saibaba became a great building force between the different disparate communities like Hindu, Muslim, Christians etc. He regularly recited Hindu and Muslim prayers. His Hindu followers considered him to be an avatar or reincarnation of Shiva and Dattatreya. Sai Baba did not leave any written works. All his teachings were oral and catchy. His sayings were short, crisp and in layman language with which the common mass could easily associate.
Saibaba encouraged charity and said,
Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi was unique in the sense that he lived his message through the essence of his being. He lived among the common people adorning a torn kafni (long robe), sleeping over a mat while using brick as his headrest and got his food by begging. Such was his smile that radiated a mystical charisma and deep seated inward look that hypnotized the people who visited him.
His most concise message for one and all alike was .
Saibaba said that he was a slave in the service of those who loved him. He was ever living to help those who turn to him and that he has to take care of his children day and night.
Saibaba’s mission was to restore belief in god and according to him, He then taught values of total surrender to the Almighty Master and experiences his grace.

"Shraddha means faith with love and reverence"

"Saburi means patience and perseverance"
Assurances of Sai Baba
Shri Saibaba of Shirdi inspires unflinching faith and conviction from the Sai devotees. His simple and straightforward messages strike an immediate chord with people of any faith. Saibaba has imparted eleven assurances to the mankind inspiring confidence among His disciples.
Here are the eleven assurances that Shri Sai Baba disseminated to the world:
Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi’s soil, his sufferings would come to an end | |
The wretched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness, as soon as they climb the steps of my Mosque. | |
I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body. | |
My tomb shall bless and speak the needs of my devotees. | |
I shall be active and vigorous even from my tomb. | |
My mortal remains would speak from my tomb. | |
I am ever living to help and guide all, who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me. | |
If you look at me I look at you. | |
If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it. | |
If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once. |
God is ONE

"Ananta Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai"
Shri Shridi Sai Baba Teachings
Sai Baba opposed all persecution based on religion or caste. He was an opponent of religious orthodoxy — Christian, Hindu and Muslim
Sai Baba of Shirdi is the epitome of reverence a guiding force who generates supreme faith and confidence among his devotees looking for salvation and in quest of coming out of the drudgery of living. As a divine mother he is saturated with love for those who seek him. With his mission of making people about the divine consciousness and transcending the limits of mortal body, his teachings are guiding his devotees to the path of salvation. People are blessed who follow his teachings.
Among the teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi there are the cardinal principles of Sai Path called ‚ Shraddha‘ and ‚Saburi‘. Sai Baba looks for these two qualities in his devotees.
Here are the teachings and philosophies of Sai Baba of Shirdi.
'Shraddha' is a Sanskrit word, which roughly means faith with love and reverence. Such faith or trust is generated out of conviction, which may not be the result of any rational belief or intellectual wisdom, but a spiritual inspiration. According to Sai Baba of Shirdi, steadfast love in God is the gateway to eternity. Baba’s teaching, both direct and indirect explicate the significance of "Shraddha". Baba reiterates the spiritual guidance of Shri Krishna to Arjuna "Whosoever offer to Me with love or devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, that offering of pure love is readily accepted by Me"..
'Saburi' means patience and perseverance. Saburi is a quality needed throughout the path to reach the goal. This quality must be ingrained in a seeker from day one, least he loses his stride and leaves the path half way.
For Sai Baba it was not the purity of the body but inner purity that mattered. No amount of physical and external cleansing would serve any purpose if the man remained impure in mind and heart. Therefore, Baba cautioned His devotees not to make austerity as an end itself, lest they should indulge in physical mortification.
Himself an epitome of compassion and love, Sai Baba taught compassion among his disciples. Baba often told His devotees, "Never turn away anybody from your door, be it a human being or animal".
Complete Surrender to the Guru
Sai Baba put Guru on a high pedestal of reverence. For Him Guru was the profound base of the path of devotion. Pointing to his physical frame, "This body is my house. I am not here. My Guru (Master) has taken me away". He asked for complete surrender to the 'Guru'..
Sai Baba's Teachings through "Udi" and "Dakshina"
Udi or the sacred ash was produced from the perpetual fire called ‚dhuni‘ lit by Sai Baba in Dwarkamai at Shirdi. Explaining the meaning of life He would refer to Udi and taught that like Udi all the visible phenomena in the world are transient. Through this example Sai Baba wished to make his devotees understand the sense of discrimination between the unreal and the real. Udi taught the devotees discrimination or vivek.
Sai Baba would demand ‚Dakshina‘ or alms from those who visited him. This explained the sense of non-attachment to worldly things. Hence Dakshina taught the devotees non-attachment or Vairagya.
Final years and death (Samadhi)
In August 1918, Shirdi Sai Baba told some of his devotees that he would soon be "leaving his mortal body" (dying). From 28th of September 1918, he had high fever and stopped eating. As his condition deteriorated, he asked his disciples to recite holy texts to him and continued to meet visitors. On 15th October 1918 at 14:30, he breathed his last. The day coincided with the Hindu calendar date that year for Vijaydashami.
Shri Saibaba of Shirdi inspires unflinching faith and conviction from the Sai devotees. His simple and straightforward messages strike an immediate chord with people of any faith. Saibaba has imparted eleven assurances to the mankind inspiring confidence among His disciples.

Sai Family Mannheim has celebrated Sri Rama Navami in Mannheim with huge presence of Sai Family.There is a huge devotion of celebrating this event in such a grand manner..

Sai Family Mannheim would like to share the glimpse of the event on Dusherra which took place on Baba’s 99th Maha Samadhi Day. It is overwhelming to see the devotion of devotees towards Baba, especially in coming together and ...

Sai Family Mannheim has celebrated Sri Rama Navami in Mannheim with huge presence of Sai Family.There is a huge devotion of celebrating this event in such a grand manner..

It feels so good to be back to the place where we started 6 years ago to perform monthly Sai Sandhya with a gap more than 2 years ! ...

On the auspicious ocassion of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Mahasamadhi centennial celebrations in Mannheim devotees have celebrated in a grand manner ...
Upcoming Sai Sandhya

In these challenging times we all wanted to be more near together to help each other and pray to Baba for our welfare and the society. But yes we have to make social distancing which is absolutely necessary not to spread to others and taking care of grandparents, seniors and kids.

This decade is going to be end in couple of hours. We are all so glad to have the opportunity to serve the society with ample of things be it in money/help/educate others/making others laugh/spreading happiness. Let us work for a cause in 2020 to keep your surroundings safe and happy.

Painting and Art work from Devotee

First of all we would like to wish you and your families all a happy, prosperous and healthy new year and may baba bless us all 🎉🎉🎉💐

While the global pandemic is still at its continuation, we could use the technology at its best. In the month of April we went a step ahead and made our virtual Sai Sandhya more interactive.
You would like to know more about Shri Shirdi Sai Baba or us or our activities ?
Get in contact with us and leave us a message with the contact form or via mail